Sunday, May 29, 2011

What have we forgotten???

Tomorrow is the BIG day! And just like before any big trip, I'm starting to get 'too excited to sleep'! Our first stop is Sebastian River State Park which is situated on a narrow strip of land between the Intracoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean, just south of Melbourne. Mike's big sister, Norma, and her hubby, John, live in Melbourne, so we plan to have dinner and a nice visit with them on Wednesday. Hoping to work in a tour of the Kennedy Space Center that morning!

All of the outdoor furniture and propane is stowed for the eventuality of a hurricane in the fall. Clothes are packed, tires are aired up, truck filled with diesel which was surprisingly hard to find today, supplies low for the Memorial Day weekend? Everything is just waiting for the Silver Chalet to pull up in front of our townhouse in the morning to load her up!

The shocker of the day was getting into a situation at Costco as we prepared to air up the truck tires. When we drove up, someone was there using the airhose, so we pulled along side of him to wait our turn for a few minutes. Since we needed to move closer to the air source, Mike told me to hop out and stand there so he could move the truck closer and others would know we were next in line. As he backed out, another car started driving into the parking spot with me standing there. I said we were waiting our turn and could they park next to this space. What ensued next, I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say that it was not pretty. At one point in being harrassed, cursed out and yelled at, I got the Costco attendant to assist us with the 'situation'. He finally told them that he would call the police if they did not calm down. The anger and rudeness of people will never cease to amaze and disappoint me! :(

Praying that we got our boorish experience out of the way early in the trip! I know the odds are not in our favor that we won't encounter more difficult personalities, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed! We are at the point that if we have forgotten anything, we can always buy it somewhere along the way! Time to relax and get a good night's sleep, I hope, I hope, I hope!


Jamie said...

D, Phillip says he knows what you forgot.... US! :) waiting for the official "blast off"!

Dolores Covington said...

Phillip, you can still get a 'red eye' before we leave tomorrow! Airport code PBI for Palm Beach International. Just let us know the arrival time. We're onlty 15 minutes from the airport. Bring your hiking boots and binoculars and your great smile! Jamie, you're most welcome to join us Okay, when are you buying the bus? Buy the bus, we'll plan the itinerary with your input, of course! Caravan, anyone, anyone, Bueller, anyone? ;-)

Cynthia Alexander said...

This sounds like so much fun. It is the trip many of us only dream about. My first step would be having someone to drive it!

I know you will have a wonderful trip. I am praying for safety for everyone involved and a glorious time. Seems funny to be planning for FALL already...

I look forward to making this sojourney with you!

Dolores Covington said...

Cynthia, this is why I married a dude who used to haul quarter horses, hehehe! Just joking, hon!

Dolores Covington said...

The funniest part about the 'situation' at Costco, is that while I knew she had called me a bee-otch, Mike says actually it was 'botox bee-otch'! What is funny is that actually I am in need of lots of botox, honey! hahaha