Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fort Bragg Brags!!!

Since Fayetteville, NC,  is best known as the home of Fort Bragg, a U.S. Army post located northwest of the city, we looked forward to visiting the Airborne & Special Forces Museum!

The main exhibit gallery takes you on a timeline beginning with 1940, when the  U.S. Army Parachute Test Platoon began, and ending with today's airborne and special operations units.   Displays include significant battles of World War II,  Cold War era conflicts, including Korea and Vietnam, and the Middle East wars.  The museum emphasizes the courage and dedication of the American soldier, a common bond that ties each generation together.

"World War II saw the most concentrated use of airborne operations, with five Army divisions dedicated to using this new method of putting men and equipment on the battlefield. The 11th, 13th, 17th, 82d and 101st Airborne Divisions spearheaded many operations, and were joined by early special operations soldiers from units such as the Rangers, OSS, and the 1st Special Service Force. "

"On display at the Airborne & Special Operations Museum is a replica of part of a French village from the Normandy Invasion of June 1944. As visitors walk the streets of the village, they are surrounded by images of war."

"From the bullet holes in the stucco walls to the C-47 "Skytrain" flying low overhead with jumper in the door, the museum transports the visitor to war torn occupied France at the dawn of Europe's liberation."

"One of the most rare and impressive displays is that of a completely restored WACO CG-4A glider. Gliders were used extensively in the war, and the largest operations used them by the thousands. The gliders were very fragile, had little peacetime use, and have not been used by the military since 1950-51. For these reasons there are only a handful of gliders left in the world, and few of these have been properly restored. The museum's glider is the finest example in existence."

"The Airborne & Special Operations Museum takes a close look at the soldiers, equipment, and campaigns of the war in Vietnam. The "Screaming Eagles" of the 101st Airborne Division, the 3d Brigade of the 82d, and the legendary "Sky Soldiers" of the 173d Airborne Brigade fought valiantly in Southeast Asia, and the Special Forces proved themselves time and again by working with the indigenous people in their fight for freedom.  On display at the museum is a UH-1 "Huey" helicopter. The pilot is at the controls, the door gunner is at the ready, and two paratroopers are on the ground ready for action. Hidden in the bush is the point man for a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol, silently surveying the action."

"Overhead is an AH-6 "Little Bird". This small but deadly helicopter represents the use of special operations airpower. From the early airplanes that dropped paratroopers and towed gliders to the blistering modern gun-ships like the AC-130H Specter, aircraft have always been an intrinsic part of airborne and special operations."

Other dioramas depict Airborne operations in the Middle East, planning strategy with the locals as well as special operations.

I am of the opinion, OBL is hiding RIGHT there...!

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