Saturday, August 27, 2011

Theater Monmouth, The Shakespeare Theater of Maine

As we approach Monmouth, Maine, on a thunderstormy late afternoon, we are delighted to spy an almost perfect rainbow with the most brilliant violets I have ever seen arching proudly above magnificent Cumston Hall, a beautiful building that dominates the town and the main thoroughfare.

It has been a source of interest and awe since its dedication in 1900.  Dr. Charles Cumston was the headmaster of Boston Latin High School for many years.

Upon his retirement to Monmouth, he decided to give his town a community building for town offices, a caucus hall, public library, and auditorium.  Harry Cochrane, a Mainer with a penchant for fine interior work got the nod for designing the stucture.

The results speak for themselves...This lovely ediface has just recently undergone a $2.9 million revitalization and addition.

The play for this evening is 'Room Service', a comedy of distinct and fun characters brought together in a way that allows the audience to sit back and just enjoy the action.  It is from plays, just like this one, that one can trace the roots of American television and sit-coms.  There is a hint of another wonderful genre: 'the old Broadway stories in which writers like Damon Runyon capture the intriguing life and allure of 'America's crossroads' from the post depression age right through the 1950's.'

We enjoy the play immensely!  The hotel manager, Mr. Gribble's quirky expressions and tic are hilarious!  Mr. Englund is so reminiscent of Curly of the Three Stooges, that I fairly sit on the edge of my seat waiting for the familiar 'woop-woop-woop' and head rub!


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